Here’s How Our Service Works:


1.       Submit your item(s): Click on the “Submit an Item” tab at the top of the page, or email us at Include all relevant information you have on when your item might have been used, including any league authentication numbers. Once we receive that information, we’ll walk you through the exact photos we need of your item to do our research. No shipping of items is necessary!

2.       We’ll give you a quote: Once we receive all information and photos of your item, we’ll get back to you promptly with a price quote. The quote will include the ResMatch price, as well as a significantly reduced price if a ResMatch cannot be made. We generate our quotes using a set pricing formula that ensures consistency in pricing for all of our clients. The primary factors in the formula include the estimated value a ResMatch will add to the item based on previous auction prices of similar items, and the duration of the time-frame in which the item may have been used.

3.       The search begins: Once the quote is accepted, we’ll begin our ResMatch research. See below to learn more about the details of our process. From start to finish, our work is typically completed roughly 2 weeks from the time the quote is accepted. However, if you need the work completed sooner just let us know you need a rush added, and your item will be prioritized within our backlog for an additional fee.

4.       Your item is ResMatched: Hopefully, when we get back to you with the findings of our research we will have made a ResMatch for your item! We will send you an email which will include our ResMatch Certification, which gives details about the match and includes a Match ID for tracking purposes, as well as our side-by-side photomatch graphics with Full ResMatches. We will mail you hard copies as well. If a ResMatch cannot be made, we can walk you through the details of what we saw in our research, and answer any questions you have about our findings.

5.       Stay in touch: If you ever want us to look up a ResMatch based on the Match ID or have any other questions for us, just send us an email!

The ResMatch Research Process:

Resolution is different because of our research process. Our process is broken down into 3 rounds. Each round has over 20 strictly protocoled steps that are carried out for every item we research.

During the 1st round of research, every image in existence of the subject player from the potential span of use is analyzed. This research spans our over 30 external image databases as well as our internal database of nearly 1,000,000 images. This typically means thousands of images to be individually analyzed, and typically takes a number of hours. Our 1st round researcher analyzes each image, flags promising images with an internal rating system, and makes notes about the relevant characteristics for each image on our internal research document.

Next is our 2nd round research. Our 2nd round researcher performs further analysis on all promising images, as well as doing additional checks off of the 1st round research. They also perform our Comparison Analysis™ process, which is the key to determining what characteristics are unique and can therefore be relied upon in making a ResMatch. During the Comparison Analysis™ process, we research to find a number of examples of different items from the same team, year, manufacturer, etc. If the characteristics on the subject item are present in the same way on some or all of the other items, that means the characteristic is non-unique and therefore cannot be relied upon. If the characteristics are unique between the subject item and each of the different comparison examples, it passes Comparison Analysis™.

After 2nd round is completed, the item is advanced to 3rd round research. The 3rd round researcher performs further image analysis, any necessary dating research, and any other analysis needed for the item. Finally, they make the definitive determinations regarding potential ResMatches. Once the 3rd round is complete the results are sent to our client, and the letter writing and graphics process begins.
